Hi, I'am
Jan Krejcik
Full Stack Developer
Software Sales Professional turned Web Developer, producing quality work with a client-centric approach.
Contact MeAbout Me
Hi there! My name is Jan, and I'm from the Czech Republic. Currently, I'm based in the beautiful city of Barcelona, where I'm pursuing my passion for technology.
I graduated from 6-month intensive bootcamp with Le Wagon where I gained expertise in web development and programming. I also developed an understanding of key concepts such as OOP, MVC architecture, and database design.
In my free time I love reading, playing footvolley, hiking and discovering new coffee places.
- HTML 5
- JavaScript ES6
- Ruby
- Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Bootstrap
- Heroku
- Terminal
Skills grow. So will this portfolio.
Venue Finder
A clone of AirBnB to help you find and book the best venue for your next event!
Venues information is generated by Faker gem and pictures come from unsplash.com.